Connected Care Project Overview


Connected Care is a new progressive web application that provides automated services for health patients. Specific protocols are initiated depending on the particular set of health risks found in a patient.


UI/UX Designer


Design the Connected Care app with pre-configured features that help patients with Post‐Myocardial Infarction Depression.




  • Design an end-to-end application for Connected Care
  • Design a prototype that shows the journey of a patient with Post MI Depression
  • Create a design system based on a previous health app (Healon) under Accenture.


7 months then put on hold

Defing User Roles

As we continued to research and gather more information, we then began to define our target users and the specific tasks they would need to do.

App Requirements

With a better understanding on the different users, we listed out all the potential screens, features, and its functionalities for both the patient and provider. At this point we’re having a better idea on each user’s goals and needs for the app.



User Flows

We then took the next steps to develop user flows for both the patient and provider. Each user has their own view and unique flow but will still need to interact with each other at some points.



Design Systems

“Healon” was a previous telehealth app that was proposed by Accenture and our goal was to transform that to “Connected Care”. So we were given the design system that was established by them and used that to create the “Connected Care” design system. We came up with 1 main design system with 2 sub design systems to differentiate the patient and provider:
- the base guidelines and branding that will be used throughout all the designs.
Patient - a mobile design system using mainly a green color palette.
Provider - a desktop/tablet design system using mainly a blue color palette.




Hi-Fi Wireframes

Using the design systems we established, we began to wireframe the patient and provider views. The patient will go through initial steps in the beginning so the app will know how to cater towards their needs. As for the provider, they will have access to all their patient information to be aware and take any action when needed.



Reflection/Next Steps

Although the project ended up being on hold because of higher decisions that were made, I was still able to learn from this experience. This was my first project where I was able to collaborate with other designers. Honestly, it took a little time to get used to a certain flow on how to bounce and collaborate ideas, but eventually we were able to find a groove that worked for us. I’ve learned to understand that other designers might have their own design processes. I needed to have an open mind and be able to adjust if needed, so that way we can all mesh together our ways to come up with the final product smoothly.
Next steps will include: